Practical information

Participatory democracy

The aim of participatory democracy is to provide a link between residents and the town council's policies and actions. In Montataire, public meetings, consultations, neighbourhood visits and on-site meetings are all ways of soliciting residents' opinions.

Above all, the aim is to consult the population on the challenges facing the town, both in terms of the quality of life and the budgetary guidelines. The City does not use this democracy as a pretext, explaining each time the framework of the reflection and the inherent constraints.

Neighbourhood meetings

They take place every year in the city's eleven neighbourhoods. They are part of the budget preparation process and are identified by bringing together elected representatives and residents. Specific information is provided for each district, giving details of the time and place of the meeting.

Neighbourhood visits

The elected representatives spend several hours touring the city's neighbourhoods, listening to the concerns of residents. These visits are organised regularly in the mornings. Specific information is sent to the residents concerned

Consultation meetings

As part of the urban renewal project, the city's policy department regularly meets with local residents to discuss their day-to-day lives and the progress of the project: meetings, neighbourhood tables, walking diagnoses, etc. Numerous tools have been put in place to put residents at the heart of the project.

The technical services offer information meetings for residents affected by major works in their neighbourhood. The mairies infos are then distributed.

Citizens' Initiative Projects (CIP)

The PIC is a scheme that supports and finances micro-projects in the Martinets district or for its residents.
A few examples: organising a show, an intercultural meal, creating a shared vegetable garden, setting up a solidarity market, etc.

How do you go about it?


With a group of residents, set up a micro-project to bring the neighbourhood to life. It could raise awareness of sustainable development and transition issues, encourage the exchange of knowledge and skills and access to culture, promote physical activity, health and well-being, or bring life to the neighbourhood and combat isolation. You can help build your project by the rules of procedure and of the best practice sheet.


Propose your idea using the project sheet. You can also pick it up from the ABSS association, the social centre or the urban policy department at the town hall. You must submit your application to the social centre before the 15th of each month.


The awards committee will examine your application. 


You will present your project to the committee.


He will then give his answer.

Tous les documents relatifs au PIC à télécharger ici

Micro-projects carried out

On Wednesday 3 July 2024, a group of young Montatairiens organised a football tournament at the Armand Bellard stadium. The PIC financed a lunch for the participants.

On Saturday 6 July 2024, a group of local residents set up a stand to discover the cuisines of the world during the Centre Social's festival. The PIC made it possible to buy the food needed to prepare several traditional African and Asian dishes.

On Saturday 6 July 2024, a group of local sewing enthusiasts set up a sewing stand at the Centre Social's festival. The PIC enabled them to buy sewing equipment to make aprons.