Practical information
03 44 64 45 60
Other devices
Welcoming, informing and listening to all the town's retired people.
Proposed by the city
Nous vous accompagnons pour vous rendre aux cimetières
Les vendredis, le car de la ville est mis à disposition des retraité·e·s de la commune pour se rendre aux cimetières. Le rendez-vous est donné à 14h au rond-point de la rue André Ginisti. Le car dessert ensuite plusieurs arrêts et couvre toute la ville. Please note that there is no collection on the fifth Friday of the month.
To find out which stops are served, contact the pensioners' service.
We're with you through the heatwave
Every year, when summer arrives, the town council implements the "blue plan" to prevent a possible heatwave. The aim is to list and identify vulnerable elderly people so that they can be contacted in the event of a heatwave and, if necessary, offered advice and assistance.
If you are interested, you can register you on the corresponding to the initiative. This file will be sent to the Prefecture if the national heatwave plan is activated.
The Maurice Mignon independent residence has an air-conditioned foyeravailable every day.
More information
Senior Solidarity Mobility Pass
It allows you to use all the lines on the AXO transport network. It is valid for 2 years. You get 40 journeys per month (automatically renewed every month for the duration of the contract). To qualify, you must be aged 65 or over, have lived in the commune for more than 6 months and have a non-taxable notice of assessment before deductions.
Personal Autonomy Allowance (APA)
The Allocation personnalisée d'autonomie (personalised autonomy allowance) is intended for people aged 60 and over who need help to perform the essential acts of daily life (getting out of bed, washing, getting dressed, etc.) or whose condition requires regular supervision.
A teleassistance service is available to the elderly or seriously ill 24 hours a day. Qualified and specially trained staff centralise and manage subscribers' calls and alarms.
Allocation de Solidarité aux Personnes Âgées (ASPA) - Carsat
Allocation de solidarité aux personnes âgées est une prestation mensuelle accordée aux retraités ayant de faibles ressources (revenus et patrimoine) et vivant en France.
Allocation de Solidarité aux Personnes Âgées (ASPA) - Minimum old-age allowance
If you are not receiving a personal or survivor's pension, you must complete an application for Service d’ASPA (SASPA) que vous devez déposer au service retraités.
Maison Départementale des Personnes Handicapées (MDPH) - Inclusion mobility card
In the Oise département, the mobility and inclusion card has replaced the disability, priority and parking cards since 1 June 2017. The conditions for entitlement and the benefits provided by these cards remain unchanged (parking, disability and priority).
You must complete the following form:
List of EHPAS accommodation in Oise
EHPADs are medico-social establishments for people who have lost their independence or are dependent on others. They offer seniors comprehensive care, including accommodation, catering, entertainment, assistance with daily living and care.
Go to this link to consult the list of EHPAD accommodation in Oise