Practical information

Municipal restaurant

The Maurice Mignon independent residence has a municipal restaurant open to all local pensioners (including non-residents).

It is only open for lunch from Monday to Saturday, excluding public holidays. Menus are drawn up jointly by residents' representatives, elected every two years, and the catering service. Everyone works to ensure that the meals are well-balanced and meet residents' specific needs.

Residents are automatically registered and must go to a minimum of 15 meals per month. The fee is in addition to the rent at the rate of 7.55 per meal

Non-resident pensioners must book 48 hours in advance. Lunch is charged at the same rate as residents: €7.55 per meal.

Home meal delivery

The local authority is offering a home delivery service of balanced meals for the town's retired residents. A light breakfast and lunch are delivered every morning from Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays. The price is €7.55 per meal.