Practical information

Espace Huberte d'Hoker

The Espace Huberte d'Hoker is a place where people can meet and exchange ideas, where solidarity and a better way of living together come alive. It has been approved as a social centre by the Caisse d'allocations familiales de l'Oise.

Every day

Every week, the social centre offers workshops, courses and activities for adults and families. Access to rights, digital technology and language services are also on the programme.

Download the leaflet here

EHH leaflet

Out of doors

Numerous "highlights" are organised outside the social centre: fun and cultural outings, the social centre party, external events (Pink October, Blue March, sustainable development week, shared garden, outdoor tea party, etc.).

The programme and membership

You can find all its activities in a monthly programme and a special school holiday programme in site news. To access the workshops you must register with the social centre and sign up for whatever you like!