Practical information
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Urban strategy in Montataire
The planning decisions taken by elected representatives are set out in the Local Urban Development Plan (PLU). In addition to local choices that meet the needs of residents, legislation imposes a rigorous regulatory framework (the Solidarité et Renouvellement Urbain, Urbanisme et Habitat and Grenelle Acts, etc.).
Balancing jobs and housing is a key priority for the municipality. This means developing existing activities and welcoming new businesses, as well as stimulating demographic growth and diversifying the housing offer, with a planned redevelopment of the historic centre and certain recent districts, and greater diversity in residential programmes.
These guidelines are reflected in a specific development plan, including :
- Densification of the existing urban fabric,
- Maintaining shopping areas,
- Reserving a fringe for urban development to the north of the town,
- Strengthening of the business park to the south of the town and continuation of light business parks and facilities on the Pathé, Marches de l'Oise, Village Economique and former Goss sites,
- Preserving agricultural land on the plateaux,
- Protecting the wooded areas on the slopes of the valleys overlooking the town, forming a green corridor to the north-east as far as the historic spur,
- Maintaining the urban park on the former quarries to the south-west and protecting the banks of the River Thérain.
The Local Town Planning Scheme (PLU)
The PLU provides detailed answers to the following five questions:
- Where can we build?
- What can be built?
- Under what conditions is it possible to build?
- What equipment will be installed?
- Which sites are protected?
Applicable to the whole of the municipality, the PLU is governed by article L 421-8 of the Code de l'Urbanisme, which requires compliance with town planning rules for all land use exempt from formalities. These rules include protecting natural and agricultural areas, limiting the height of buildings, preserving a minimum of 70 % of green space, aligning buildings with the street, semi-detached buildings, etc. The aim is to promote high-quality architecture and town planning and to preserve a certain harmony within the various neighbourhoods.
Whether you are a private individual or a professional, the Town Planning Department is at your disposal to guide you through the formalities prior to any work being carried out on buildings or in private areas.
Find out more about the PLU on the government's geoportal.
We're with you
The land register is a public register containing plans and descriptions of landed property in a municipality. It makes it possible to identify parcels of land and their owners, and serves as a basis for property assessment and taxation.
Find all the information on the official government website
The cadastral map is updated regularly by the State, which provides the local authority with an official annual return. A cadastral surveyor may visit your home to update the data.
Fences and demolition permits
"At the same time as the PLU, the Municipal Council voted :
- Preliminary Declaration for fences,
- Demolition permits".
For all fence constructions and building demolitions, please contact the Town Planning Department.
Work by private individuals
You need planning permission before starting or modifying any building work. Any change affecting the surface area or external appearance of a property (attic space, mezzanine, joinery, fencing, gates, rendering) must be authorised. The creation of additional accommodation in an existing building also requires authorisation from ACSO (Agglomération Creil Sud Oise) and may entail additional costs, particularly in terms of tax.
Information from the technical services
For any work affecting the surface area or external appearance of your building, you should contact the technical services. They will provide details of the application to be made, the documents to be supplied and the deadlines. An appointment can be arranged.
Good to know: For work affecting the pavement or roadway (e.g. installation of scaffolding), a specific request must be made 15 days before the start of the work.
Information from the technical services
For any work affecting the surface area or external appearance of your building, you should contact the technical services. They will provide details of the application to be made, the documents to be supplied and the deadlines. An appointment can be arranged.
Good to know: For work affecting the pavement or roadway (e.g. installation of scaffolding), a specific request must be made 15 days before the start of the work.
Procedure in the event of an infringement
If work begins without authorisation, a sworn official will note the offence. An official report is drawn up and sent to the Public Prosecutor, which may lead to prosecution.
The Mayor may give formal notice to offenders to regularise their situation by submitting an appropriate request. Failure to comply may result in a fine of €500 per day's delay.
Professional work
If you are a shopkeeper or entrepreneur and wish to carry out works or open an establishment open to the public, you are subject to the opinion of two committees: one for accessibility for people with reduced mobility and the other for fire and panic risks.
To find out how to proceed, contact the Technical Services receptionist, who will be able to give you the initial information you need. Depending on your request, you may be given a form with a full list of the documents you need to provide. When you submit your application, you will receive a receipt informing you of the processing times.
The New National Urban Renewal Programme (NPNRU) in the Martinets district
The town of Montataire and the social landlords Oise Habitat and SA HLM de l'Oise have launched a new urban regeneration project in the Martinets district.
The project is also being developed with local residents, through consultation workshops.
It follows on from the 1er urban renewal project launched in 2006 and completed in 2015. It led to the renovation of a large number of homes and the creation of the Coulée Verte, the Bois Godart and the health centre.
The NPRU began in 2021 and will last until 2030.
It will enable :
- Continuing to renovate local housing (by improving insulation, for example, and renovating damp rooms);
- Improving traffic flow and parking (by redeveloping the 2 main avenues and increasing the number of parking spaces);
- Improve certain green spaces and play areas (from the Esplanade Fernand Tuil to the City Stade).
Find out all about the project in the presentation below:
How is the project financed?
The Agence Nationale pour la Rénovation Urbaine (ANRU) is one of the funders of this project. In 2014, this agency launched a major programme to fund work in priority neighbourhoods: the New National Urban Renewal Programme. In 2015, the Martinets district project was designated as being of regional interest by the ANRU, enabling it to be funded. The ANRU is funding the project to the tune of €1 million.
As the Martinets urban renewal project has been designated as being of regional interest, the Regional Council is also helping to finance the project. It is providing 3 million euros.
The landlord is also financing a large part of this project, to renovate 449 homes and demolish 39.
- Oise Habitat is investing nearly 20 million euros ;
- La SA HLM de l'Oise invests 8 million euros.
La Ville finances improvements to traffic flow, parking, green spaces and play areas. It is investing nearly 3 million euros.
Other State subsidies, such as the Dotation Politique de la Ville (City Policy Grant) and the Fonds National d'Aménagement et de Développement du Territoire (National Fund for Territorial Planning and Development) are also contributing to the funding of this project.
Key figures
3 million
invested by the City
500 000 m²
of landscaped public space
50 000 €
average cost of refurbishment / building
renovated homes
flats demolished
The project's ambitions
Voir la carte des aménagements du cœur des Martinets.
Les habitants dans le projet
Dans le cadre du Projet de Renouvèlement Urbain des Martinets, un film représentant un JT a été réalisé en été 2023 avec les habitants du quartier et des élèves de l’École Supérieure de Journalisme de Lille.
Le 7 février 2024, une réunion publique de restitution a permis de partager les résultats des ateliers concertations qui se sont tenus à l’automne 2023. Elle a aussi permis de présenter les aménagements prévus avec les habitantes et les habitants. C’est aussi un moment pendant lequel les personnes présentes ont pu poser leurs questions et échanger sur les travaux à venir.
On 9 October 2024, a 2e public meeting a eu lieu. Elle a permis de présenter le projet définitif de l’Esplanade Fernand Tuil et l’aménagement des parkings aux abords du centre commercial et l’entrée d’école Jack Decour avant que les travaux ne commencent. Elle a permis aussi d’échanger avec les personnes présentes et de répondre aux questions.
How far has the project got?
At the beginning of November, work will start on the Esplanade Fernand Tuil as far as the City Stade and the entrance to the school on rue Jacques Decour. The work will take around 1 year to complete.
Provisional schedule for work completed in April 2023.